Monday, October 3, 2011

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes." Proust

Some of the thrills and wonders of living in my own home:
-When I find a tarantula in the shower it is my job to find a broom and either sweep it outside or kill it. Ok...well when I find a spider or bug I have that choice. When I find a tarantula I have to kill it, because have you seen how HUGE they are?
-Oficios! Sweeping, mopping, sanitizing, washing dishes, laundry, etc. I know that at some point in time I will disagree with the following statement, but in this moment I LOVE chores! They give needed structure and purpose to my days and downtime.
-There is no one watching me and judging how I spend my time. Even though I am living next door to the escuela, and the minute I open my blinds the kids are peaking their eyes in or knocking on my door. Its actually more endearing than annoying. This morning a little girl offered to help me mop the floor. Other endearing things about living next to the school, I am awoken in the morning by childrens' laughter. So much better than the damn roosters.
-Community members are inviting to their houses, teaching me cook and just stopping by to chat! On Saturday morning I was invited for sopa de gallina at a neighbors house, and on Sunday afternoon a community member stopped by in the afternoon to see how I am doing. I love have a space to invite people into and to be able to offer cafecito.
-The kids have been bringing me fruit, which is probably the way to my heart in Costa Rica. In the past 4 days I have received mandarins, oranges, mamones (lychees) and bananas. In return when they are playing soccer in my backyard I always keep the back door open and some plastic cups by the sink. So when they are thirsty they can come in and help themselves to water.
-I can cook for myself! This weekend my fellow volunteer and friend Biiftu came and spent the weekend with me, and we made so many wonderful foods- pancakes, french toast, spaghetti and cheese-less pizza. Also I am learning all about cooking arroz y frijoles and how to live and cook without a fridge.
-I am actively working on making friends with the bats. They are fruit bats and they do not bite, they also eat bugs, which is wonderful. So far I just talk to them when they are flying circles around the room. I think we will make great amigos as long as they never fly into me.
-When it rains my bathroom roof drips, which means that their is a small flood in the bathroom and the toilet gets soaked. I choose to find that entertaining. Kind of like when you move into a old house that is 'charming' which really just means that it has odd quirks that you can either interpret as malfunctions or as unique. I choose unique.
- I am composting, which is a beautiful thing. It makes me feel better about burning my trash, which I feel awful about. So far I am storing up recyclables in hopes that before I have an unmanageable amount of recyclables, my recycling program will have taken off.
-I am going to try to start a garden project for selfish purposes. Because I want more veggies. Of course I will share with the escuela, and can incorporate a garden into a workshop with the kids on nutrition and on the environment.
-Sugar lives inside of the house with me. And sometimes, when I am watching movies in bed at night, I put a special shirt on the bed and let him snuggle with me! Don't tell the Tico's, they will vote me off the island.  I also have a kitten on the way, once he is done breastfeeding he is going to come live with me and Sugar. What a family!

Off to make lunch and then write out some invitations for a community meeting to introduce my work plan :-)

Sending loves!

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