Tuesday, October 11, 2011

the importance of articles

I was reminded today of maybe the funniest thing that has happened to me in Costa Rica. It was not funny in the moment, but in retrospect, hilarious.

I attend the local government meetings every two weeks and it usually consists of me and 5 men. We sit outside in a circle of chairs. On this particular meeting we are inside gathered around a table and I am guiding them through an activity. I have to do this for PeaceCorps, but I do acknowledge that the activity has value as a diagnostic tool. I am not able to effectively explain this in Spanish (remember this is only like week 3 in site). So instead I just say "Siempre tengo razon."

I don't know how much Spanish you know, so I will explain. In my head I was informing the local government that I always have a reason (Siempre tengo UNA razon). It seemed like a valid thing to say. But what I actually said is "I am always right." Yep. ALWAYS. RIGHT.

That is why articles are important.

1 comment:

  1. Just tried to send a comment and lost it. Arrg!!!! Very frustrating, but glad the last one made it through.
    Your kitten is adorable. Sorry Sugar has his nose out of joint over (him her?) I vote for smudge or pepper. Spice is cute but would only work if she? is ginger colored. The flip flop thing cracks me up. Bailey is the same way. She goes to sleep in her bed but when I wake up she is always sleeping on my socks. Our smell must be comforting.
    Don't know why " I am always right " is inconsistent with your personality. Must have been a Freudian slip.
    All my love, Dad.
