Monday, October 31, 2011

"out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing- there is a field- ill meet you there" -rumi

I feel like my feet are stuck in the mud, and I was trying really hard to keep walking, but now I have just given up and sat my ass down and started making mud pies. A strange analogy- but it is so fitting. I have projects in the beginning stages, I have community activities to participate in, but I also have an enormous amount of free time. There is rarely a meeting or community event before 3pm, because the kids are a school, the dads are at work, and the moms are cooking, cleaning and washing. So although my afternoons are the perfect amount of full my mornings are empty. It is a blessing. I know the value of free time, because I have lived my life in various states of busy-ness, some of which alotted me little to no free time. I remember how desperately I wanted just one day to sleep in, or one extra hour to work out, or the ability to waste an afternoon with a movie and a good friend. 

Now that I am inundated with free time I find myself being wasteful. The enormity of my free time is crushing my motivation. So my newest challenge is time management- I think I have learned this lesson before...

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