Monday, October 24, 2011

I left site on foot, and returned in a Lexus.

This is the second time that I have typed this blog entry. The first time it kept deleting itself. I think its the ants that may be living in my computer. Or the computer has a life of its own. Either way, I am surprisingly unfased.

Lets start in the beginning and see where we end up.
-Before the All Volunteer Conference (AVC) a fellow PCV visited me for the weekend. We had a wonderful time cooking, lounging and sharing. One of my favorite things about having my new house is that it is the perfect place to entertain guests!
-(If you are my mother don't read this bullet, just skip to the next one, it will only worry you, and there is no reason to worry because everything has a happy ending) Because of a mix-up about buses we ended up leaving at 5:30am on foot. The nearest bus stop is 27 km away and we were hoping to catch a ride because walking would take us hours. And it was hot, and we had a weeks worth of bags on our backs. Not very far our of town I ran into a friend who said that his friend had a car and could take us. The man with the car had a flat tire, but he called his friend and his friend was going to bring him a tire within the hour. We waited. The tire showed up, and it was a monster truck tire. The car was an Isuzu Pup, in other words, the tire didn't fit. So we left on foot. No one passed us for 3 hours. Then finally the Izusu Pup, complete with monster truck tire passed us. We rode with them for about 25 minutes until one of the tires blew. Guess which one? Yep, you guessed right, the monster truck tire. We set off on foot again, got another ride shortly thereafter and finally arrived in the nearest town at 11am.
-AVC went really well. There were 130 some volunteers and it was great to meet new people, listen to presentations about projects and just pass time with people who understand so much of my life.
-I stayed in town an extra day to celebrate a friends birthday and go bungee jumping. Bungee jumping was quite a rush, I literally felt like I was flying. The best part though, was hanging upside down in the middle of the Costa Rican wilderness, alone, silent, and with a perspective that I will probably never have again in my life. It was a great experience. We had chocolate cake and stayed in a classier hotel for my friends birthday, it was the epitome of Peace Corps luxurious!
-Back in site I have been working on a housing project, and it looks like there are potentially 24 families that are completing applications to recieve homes from the government, which if everything comes to fruition, would be spectacular. I am also organizing a environmental club, english classes, and a workshop on project management. This weekend the church is holding an event and I am supporting them in fundraising and day of events. I am also going to the water board meeting later this week. So it feels like work is getting underway, which is reassuring.
-Sugar is lost. I am not going to say much here, because I still have not admitted the reality of the situation. Because it makes me too sad.
-I finally figured out the veggie schedule and today I arrived just in time to pick up fresh veggies from the Monday shipment. Which means that I have tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, potatoes, onions, garlic, chiles, and cilantro. I will be eating well for the next few days. Too bad it won't last me the week (without a fridge things tend to go bad after a day or two).
For now I will leave it at that. I can't say that we have arrived at an end of sorts, but my pasta is done cooking and I want to eat it while its hot. Sending loves.

1 comment:

  1. Morning Sweetheart,
    It was great skyping with you last night. Always nice to see your face. I think it is very cool that you bungee jumped. What a great lifetime experience.
    I can not imagine an Isusu Pup with monster tire. I think that there a lot of things that you experience that I can not imagine.
    Great job on your accomplishments. You have only been there a short time and you have a bunch of irons in the fire.
    I loved seeing Cricket last night. I think you and I watched "To have and have not" together. I know we watched some Bogy movies together, it may have been Key Largo, also with Lauren Bacall.
    Please don't beat yourself up about Sugar. I think I know how you feel, but hold out hope and be thankful for Cricket.
    I love you very much and miss you a ton. Dad.
