Monday, September 19, 2011

livin the life

Yesterday during a soccer game with the woman's team I broke my large toenail on my right foot. Now that happens to be the foot that didn't recently have surgery (but the foot on which I broke my ring toe a few months ago). Gracias a Dios. I usually wouldn't be one to complain about breaking a toenail, but let me explain how exactly this toenail is broken. About halfway down the toenail it is broken halfway to the middle horizontally. I don't know how to fix it or make it better. So I painted my toes today, because when I have no way to actually solve a problem, I guess I believe that making it look prettier helps.

Change and waiting: two things that I am generally not a fan of. Right now I am waiting for change, and that may just be the worst of all worlds (hyperbole-intended for effect). To add misery to misfortune I can’t do anything about the waiting, what I could have done I have done and the rest is in the hands of other people, other people who are not affected by the waiting or the lack of change. It’s just me, waiting (rather impatiently). Each day I’m getting increasingly more frustrated by the status quo. Also sounds like there is some self-pity happening there too.
 Third and final random topic of the day. Grocery stores. I have been having very longing dreams about grocery stores. Whole Foods, Trader Joes, Madison Market, QFC, Fred Meyer and the like. I think its the variety that I am really dreaming about but either way my subconscious is hungry.

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