Monday, April 4, 2011

The roosters must go to bed really really early.

Today is Monday. I am amazed at how long the weeks are during training. Every day is jam packed full. Spanish is progressing, although still the source of my biggest bouts of frustration. I am enjoying spending time with the other trainees, this weekend we went on an awesome hike to find a tree growing inside of a tree and had a kareoke party. Tonight we are going to a Corre de Torros, which should be fun. Mostly we find way to entertain ourselves with limited resources and end of having a great time.
I am also enjoying spending time with my family. I have a lot of classes and some days I leave at 530am and dont get home until 830pm, but other days I have an hour or so just to hang around the house and entice my family into helping me practice my Spanish. They should win awards for their patience in langugae learning.
Next week there is another trip, this time for 6 days. We go in groups and visit existing volunteers to learn more technical skills. I am excited to see some of the work we have been talking so much about, but I cant believe that we are going to be gone for 6 days! That is such a long time.
All in all life is good. Training definitely has an exhausting pace to it, but I am learning a ton and am super grateful to have this time to get to know the other volunteers. I would like to ask for a few more emails or snail mail from people back in the states. I know that I wont have regular internet or mail access after I move to my site, but right now I get to check my email once a week and I get my mail delievered once a week, so we should all take advantage of that system! And I want to hear whats happening back home.
Sending love to all,

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