Saturday, May 14, 2011

For someone who keeps signing up for it, I sure don't like transition

Today is Saturday May 14th. Yesterday I swore in as an official Peace Corps Volunteer. Tomorrow I leave for my new community where I will be spending the next two years living. What a weekend.
A little bit more of a recap may be necesarry.
-Last weekend was the family party. An event that the volunteers organize to thank our host family's for everything they have done for us. There were probably about 80 people there and the party was a sucess. We rented an awesome property for the day that had an outdoor covered area, grill, pool and soccer field. We spent the weekend buying/preparing food, making decorations and just generally making important decisions. The families loved our hamburgers and the pool was a huge hit! It was close to raining all day, but never actually did - which was amazing! My nuclear family came as well as all of my aunts, uncles and cousins.
-There have been these beautiful lightning storms behind the mountains that I live in, so at night the sky is illuminated and the moutains are backlite. It is breathtaking.
-Spanish classes are over, super sad. But the great news is that I passed the Spanish level that I needed to swear in. Now I'm off to use my Spanish.
-Just in general I have been having an amazing time with my fellow volunteers. There are 16 of us total in the RCD Tico 22 group and we have all become amazing friends. Its rough to be seperating, but I'm hopeful that we will keep in touch. But we have been living in up this past week, staying in San Jose a few nights, getting together in our communities and just in general soaking up our last days together.
-There are buses that leave from a community near to my community!!! Yay!! I will not be trapped. Exstatic about this one.
-I survived my first earthquake. Yesterday around 5pm there was a 5.9 earthquake that hit Costa Rica. Swearing in was over and a group of friends and I were spending the day in San Jose before we went out that night to celebrate. We were in a 4 story mall watching a movie in a movie theather and things shook pretty intensly. But everyone survived to live another day.
-Yea I am moving to my new community tomorrow and that is going to be rough. I am super excited to begin my work there and to get to know the people, I think it is going to be an amazing community, but I have put down some roots in my training community and it is always painful to pull those up. My training family has been amazing and it has been so amazingly supportive living so close to all of the other volunteers in my Tico class. But alas, change is perhaps a good thing.
-I now have a cell phone, on which an American phone can call me for relatively cheap. Pretty spectacular huh? So shoot me an email if you want the number, I would love to recieve some calls to catch up with everyone.
-Jenna you are wonderful and your package made me endlessly happy. Although no one sings out loud with me here while we are just chillen and finishes song lyrics that I begin - entonces, your missed.
-Mom and Dad your packages arrived. Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you. And I promise to call you after any more earthquakes to ensure you of my safety.
Just to close I wanted to let everyone know that my internet access from here on out is extremely uncertain. I am thinking good internet thoughts, but we shall see. But I am pretty certain that these next few months are going to be rough and if you have an extra minute to send a letter or make a phone call I will appreciate it more than you will probably know. Sending loves.

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