Saturday, March 17, 2012

When to expect the unexpected, and other valuable lessons of living in the campo

First of all, I would like to acknowledge that I do actually perform work related tasks, while living my life here. I was reading through my blog the other day, and realized that very few of my updates or anecdotes include my professional life here. At least from the traditional Western perspective. I actually consider quite a few things as being work related activities, that in most other situations would never be construed as such. But regardless, there are formal work related activities that have been happening (its just that they aren´t always the most interesting or story worthy of events). In acknowledgement of this, I would like to share some of my more concrete work here, but don´t worry I have some more fun stuff I will include later on in the entry too.

My work usually divides up into two categories, work with adults and work with youth. Right now I have a few youth projects that I am working on.
-I have an environmental group, and we have organized weekly trash picks ups. The environmental group has a high school leader, and the two of us are trying to find funds to build a small recycling shed in town, so that we can begin a recycling program to minimize burning of recyclable materials.
-I also have a Young Women´s group, with a few local high schoolers and we meet once a week to discuss issues from self-esteem to violence against women to human rights.
-I am working with a local woman to start a pre-school in the community. She is currently holding classes three days a week in her yard for a few community kids, free of charge. Hopefully we will be able to secure funds to create a shelter where she can teach her classes, and buy basic materials with which she can stock the classroom.
-I am still very involved with my Women´s Soccer Team, and although I participate as a member, I also am constantly working with them to teach them how to be a more organized, efficient group.

As far as projects with adults, there are fewer, but they tend to be my main sources of frustration (probably because they have the potential to make the most significant impact, but the adults aren´t motivated).
-I work with the local government, and we are currently working on applying to the government to fund one of our projects. The local government meets twice a month, and the burden of infrastructural development for the town lies on them.
-There are a few smaller less organized groups in town, namely the Church Committee and the Children´s Rights Committee, that am trying to work with. But this can be challenging, because these groups often go months without meeting.
-More recently the Police from the region have been teaching classes once a week, in an effort to organize and develop the community. I have been attending these meetings, and trying to help the facilitator as much as possible.
-And there are the English classes that just won´t die. I currently have 4 students and I teach a total of 2 classes.

So there you go. For those of you who have been reading my blog and thinking (politely to yourself), ´I wonder what Chelsea does in Costa Rica?´ There are a few answers.

Now for something more entertaining. My life here can be so unexpected, I thought I would share with you a small story,

This morning I received a text message from my neighbor that read, ´Come pick up your dog.¨ I should preface this with the fact that my dog spends a lot of time at my neighbors house. She is friends with their dog, and the two of them play together. Yesterday when I asked why one of the little boys wasn´t at my environmental group another child answered that it was because my dog stole one of the boys shoes and now the boy can´t leave the house until he finds the shoe. Now who knows if it really was Piper who stole his shoe, but then I look down at my well worn and well chewed through flip flops and have little doubt that Piper is the culprit. So today upon receiving that message I left the house preparing to apologize profusely. When I arrive at their house I am greeted by the two parents who invite me in for lunch and proceed to entertain me with stories. Then the highschooler asks me for help with her homework and we end of sitting on her bed and chatting for a while. They invited me to go to a birthday party for a family member a town over later that afternoon. They were all getting ready. The teenager was frustrated that she had to wait because her father suddenly had to leave and help birth a calf. But once he got home and cleaned up there were ready to leave. Its finally on my way out, that I look down at the leash in my hand and then see Piper tied up back by the shed. I ask if everything is okay with Piper, if she is being a bother, and they profusely answer no. Never would have expected that result from the curt message I received in the morning.

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