Sunday, February 27, 2011

Life is Just a Series of Hellos and Goodbyes

One flight finished. Sitting in the Minneapolis airport. When we landed it was 25 degrees here. And I am in sandals. Lucky (for my toes) there is no reason for me to leave the airport here. I landed at 2pm and my next flight boards at 240pm. Just enough time for lunch and to use the restroom- which proved a difficult task since one of my carry-on items is my pillow. Sitting waiting to board my plane I am hearing phantom cell phone ding dings and giggling every time I check my new watch to see what time it is.
I slept from the time we took off in Boise until a screaming 2-year old woke me up about 25 minutes to Minneapolis. Its odd how a sound that I was so familiar for the past two years has quickly become startling. But that was an old adventure, and I’m in the beginning of a new one.
I arrived in Washington DC at 6pm and driving through DC I couldn’t help but remember all of the people I love. Everywhere I looked there were reminders of family and friends back home-reminders of fun memories and familiar places. Funny how a completely new place brought up so many old memories.
After a nice dinner with an old friend from Seattle University who is doing JVC here I came back to my room and met my roommate. It was nice to put a face to one of the twenty-five people I will be sharing this new chapter of my life with.
Then I Skyped with Mom and Dad and it was comforting to see their faces. They are so supportive. While I was logged in on Skype Fr. Puthumai and I chatted on instant messenger and he reminded me of my wonderful journey in India.
Now I’m going to go to bed, and all I can say is – I think everything is going to be okay.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Departure Day

I will be leaving Boise, Idaho on February 27th at 10am to fly to Washington, D.C and begin my journey as a Peace Corps Trainee. On March 1st I leave for Costa Rica with 25 other volunteers. We will fly into San Jose and spend the first 10 weeks living with host families and training in language, skill, health, safety and security. On week 8 I will learn the community where I will be spending my 2 years of service. And at the end of week 10 I will be sworn in as a Peace Corps Volunteer.

This is a personal blog of my experiences and a Peace Corps Volunteer but in no way reflects the opinions of the US government or the overall experience of Peace Corps Volunteers. What will come is only my opinion and my experience, please take it with a grain of salt :-)