Thursday, May 10, 2012

Its all in the moments...

Sitting in my hammock, drinking my morning coffee and reading. Its recess at the school and a little boy walks into my living room, looks at me with really sad puppy dog eyes and says he feels sick. We sit on my porch and I give him a hug.

Riding home from a soccer game where I scored the winning goal (my first) with my girls soccer team screaming out chants and cheers. Going to the store the next day to have three people recount my goal to people who were not at the soccer game.

Finally finding a family that has an oven and making chocolate chip cookies. Pulling them out of the oven in the middle of the day heat and realizing that cookies warm from the oven will always make me smile.

Washing my house with two neighbors, and laughing so hard my stomach hurt after I got shocked from the electric socket we had just sprayed down with the hose. And then waking up to a clean house the next day, with no shit sand.

Starting each day with Piper, who makes it hard to hate the mornings as she pushes her wet nose against my mosquito net and nuzzles my cheek. And then proceeds to jump up and down, up and down, when I finally concede and get out of bed.

Watching a full moon rise over the plaza behind my house, knowing I have never seen a moon so beautiful and bright.

Receiving free food from my neighbors, from eggs, to fruits, to chicken legs, to empanadas. It was true in college and it is true in the Peace Corps, free food just tastes better.

Walking home after a long day, with the sun setting over the hill, a long stretch of empty mud road, fields as far as the eye can see, a silence filled to the brim with animal noise, and a serenity that the city will never know.

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