Monday, December 26, 2011

I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.

Exactly a week after my computer had been miraculously saved by the kind hearted man in the Mac store, it died again. Same fateful screen with a blinking question mark. When your computer dies once, its unfortunate, when it dies twice in the same week, its a sign (or at least that's how I took it). So I put it in a drawer and picked up a book.

A lot happened in those few weeks without a computer. I will try my best to catch you up. The local government held their yearly town meeting successfully, my soccer team organized a feria (a day of soccer games and food), the students from the colegio and the escuela had graduation ceremonies, I am organizing two day-time summer camps for the kids in my community and I got another kitten. Kitty's name is Gidget. She is just about a month old now. And super cute, besides she is still learning about where to go poop, which means extra cleaning for me. Not so stoked about that.

I spent a large amount of my time reading in my hammock (which has been a God-send), crocheting, cooking, cleaning the house, painting the walls, visiting neighbors and going on walks. I will be honest, a few nights I was so exhausted that I didn't have the mental ganas to read or crochet, and I either laid in my hammock and stared at the wall or went to bed at a ridiculously early hour.

Christmas I spent with my host family from training, just outside of San Jose. It was comfortable as always and felt great to be surrounded my adopted family for the holiday. I am also traveling with another volunteer and crashing with her for a few days, before we head to the beach for some New Year's camping and hopefully a bonfire.

I am sending love and well wishes to all my friends and family back home. I hope you had wonderful holiday seasons and that the New Year we bring in is one of the best yet!

1 comment:

  1. Safe travels and Happy New Year!! May the new year bring you good health and happiness. Take care of YOU! Love ya bunches, Mom
